I know I did tell I did not like the adventures of NBC's freaks. However, I started to watch the series, just in case, as everyone had told me it was such an extraordinary show and seizing the opportunity brought by TV3, that started its broadcast about a month ago.
Serious mistake. I had already become an addict after just eight chapters. And what is worse, it actually did not exactly please me. What did make it so catchy? In my case, I put the blame on funny Hiro Nakamura.
Serious mistake. I had already become an addict after just eight chapters. And what is worse, it actually did not exactly please me. What did make it so catchy? In my case, I put the blame on funny Hiro Nakamura.
I have just watched the last episodes of season one, it is going to be hard to wait until September, when next dose is aired.
11 comentarios:
amic... Heroes es una gran serie... va comensar fluixa d-audiencia pero el boca orella ha funcionat a la perfeccio :)
ah... podem donar gracies que no l-hagi comprat TVE perque hauria estat una altra serie desgraciada com
Doctor en Alaska
Six Feet Under
Hmm, I have heard that this show is great but I haven't started watching it yet. Just maybe I should :)
Heroes is awesome and the last episode totally blew me away. You can watch the online version at NBC.com. ;)
Buf...amiguete...me examino hoy del advanced de ingles! jajajjaja no me apetece nada, pero nada escribrlo!!! juas
No conozco la serie, pero si a ti te gusta, la busco, faltaría mas ;)
I just saw last week episode, and I found it slightly attractive... I just thought that this would be another annoying typical super-heroes show, and it is in some way, but as you say that Hiro Nakamra character has something...
PS: Do not know if my english is as good as it should be.
Xavi, home... les audiències a les autonòmiques deien que eren molt dolentes, especialment a Telemadrid, fins i tot deien que a USA havia començat a decaure. Me n'alegro que no sigui així pel que dius. I la comprés o no TVE, al final sempre acabo tirant de internet per veure la v.o., però la gent que la veu al menys no ha d'esperar a la matinada.
Lizze, you won't regret
Rasa, and what about the episode set in the future? It was great
Belen, mucha suerte con el examen, es hoy y el viernes no?
Armando, I'm sure it is
Yo ya sabes que me los bajé todos de internet y me los vi en ingles del ansia que tenia, a mi es que me encantaba....
Si Saylar vive, peter tb!!! Lo exijo!!!
Tranqui Wen, Peter no puede morir, pero Nathan...
Petrelli forever XDDDD
Pobre Nathan....nadie daba un duro por él, menos yo que sabia que era muy bueno.. y al final es el héroe :))
ayer vi el ultimo episodioooooo de la primera parteeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
oohhhhhh.... y ahora a esperar la segundaaaa...
saludos jal!!!
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