miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2007

Not just topics

Some weeks ago I was told that the most recurring topics in the British society are, nowadays, global warming and junk food. The media seem to have started a real crusade against them. In fact, it is the Government, who has reinforced its concerning policies (apparently, at least).
Having a quick look to any newspaper it is easy to find some go green stuff, some articles about sustainable growth and some tips of the advances in the fight against junk food in schools. Mr. Blair’s government has emphasized these serious problems, developing different programs on these matters.
Watching “An inconvenient truth” made me learn some interesting things, it s obvious that something must be done if we want to keep our world healthy. However, I had not realized why so much importance is given to the British diet until this morning. That eight year old boy almost taken from his mother made me see that “Supersize me” was not a mere joke. It is absolutely incredible, and seriously frightening. As Anglo-Saxon culture importers, the Spanish have got to realize the danger to which we may be exposed, otherwise, we will soon be talking about an eight-year-old boy called Juanito Pérez who…

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